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“The Journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”Lao Tzu

The greatest victories are planned on the Podium of the Previous, because the best laurels are always the next. This holds true of Timpany School as this Hallowed sanctuary of learning has been transforming lives, visions have been nurtured and dreams fulfilled, embedded in a history and tradition of 90 years of God’s faithfulness, in the field of education.

Timpany always looks for new sources of information and motivation, and bold new ideas for helping and handling students.   As a result, Timpany School in Visakhapatnam has undergone outstanding transformations and enhancements since its inception in 1931.

The year 2020 -2021 has shown a paradigm shift in the thought process and lifestyle of every individual. It did impact and challenge us as we adapted to online classes, fulfilling academic and extracurricular activities. We learnt to accommodate ourselves through digital mode. Jerome Bruner rightly said “Education must, be not only a transmission of culture but also a provider of alternative views of the world and a strengthener of the will to explore them”

Our priority is continuous improvement in education. .Education is a life-long investment and must be easily accessible. In its journey to excellence, the school strives to provide the students with cutting edge facilities and exceptionally high quality of teaching. It claims to incorporate excellence and perfection at the heart of everything they do.  It also transforms you with the positive skills that will empower you to obtain a career and make a meaningful contribution to the society at large.

I trust that as you peruse the pages on this website, you will be able to get the right information about our educational programmes and other activities that will inspire you to join us .It will also give you an insight into what is expected of you and what you should expect from us, should you choose to join Timpany School. Do not hesitate to contact us for further guidance and support as you browse through the website.

May God Bless You.


Christobel Stevenson


Timpany School

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Address: Timpany School
9-25-26, CBM Compound, Asilmetta, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh – 530003.


Email : support@timpany.in

Phone : +91 089127 54419
